Finance Foodies

Meet the brains, brawn, and beauty behind the fine-dined and refined taste-testing team.

AKA 'Lil Viv'
Dancing the line between refined tea enthusiast and complete loose leaf obsessive, Vivian considers herself the Tea Queen of Silicon Valley. Lil Viv's acquired taste for all things pickled harkens back to the homeland, Mother Russia.

What is your food guilty pleasure?  Mac n Cheese. That's the stuff I can eat even after I'm completely stuffed.
Utensils – necessary or not?  depends on the food. I'm not one to eat my pizza with a fork and knife.
Are you a “eat fave food first” or “save fave food for last” person?  Definitely "eat fave food last". I want my last lingering bite to be the best one.
What is your favorite sauce?  Peanut Sauce or Sriracha.
Eat out to eat in ratio:  1:3
Favorite cuisine:  Asian Fusion
Wary of spice, but almost immune to salt (one time, she added a cup of soy sauce to a two person serving of noodles, and she hasn't lived it down since), MicLo keeps us organized and focused. She prefers to keep her spaces clean and enjoys travelling when it is cold.

What is your food guilty pleasure?  Bacon topped anything
Utensils – necessary or not?  Necessary
Are you a “eat fave food first” or “save fave food for last” person?  “Eat Fave Food First” and save the yucky stuff for last
What is your favorite sauce?  Soy sauce
Eat out to eat in ratio:  If I could, eat out all the time, but probably 2:1
Favorite cuisine:  Japanese

AKA Mean Cameron
Assuming the role of treasurer, Cameron ensures that we all get our money's worth. Responsible for a champagne cork-sized hole in our ceiling, Cameron is definitely the life of the party. He prefers hard liquor to wine, boneless to bone-in, and Americanized to authentic.

What is your food guilty pleasure?  Sweets.  My sweet tooth will never be satisfied. 
Utensils – necessary or not? Depends on the food…
Are you a “eat fave food first” or “save fave food for last” person? Neither.  I like to mix and match (even with things like dessert).  Have a bit of each as I go along, especially if the flavors are very different.  That being said, I’d probably prefer my last few bites to be from my favorite thing. 
What is your favorite sauce? Thai Peanut
Eat out to eat in ratio: 80/20
Favorite cuisine:  Americanized Chinese food or Home BBQ’d stuff (Burgers, Tri-Tip, Steaks, etc.)

Secretly sassy and completely OK with enjoying fast food, Emily is the backbone of this group. She organizes the events to utter perfection (even cancels events when she is wary of them being poorly planned).  You can imagine the difficulty of getting all 6 of us together and pleased with our orders.

What is your food guilty pleasure? I generally don’t feel guilty about it – but I love McDonalds and Taco Bell – people seem to be grossed out by that.
Utensils – necessary or not?  Depends.
Are you a “eat fave food first” or “save fave food for last” person?  I’m guess I’m a saver.  I actually ensure I ration perfect bites throughout the meal. 
What is your favorite sauce?  La Vic’s Orange Sauce or Aardvark Sauce
Eat out to eat in ratio:  60:40
Favorite cuisine:  all kinds of comfort food

AKA Elba
Elba is a conundrum, in that she is Mexican, but does not enjoy spicy foods or tequila as stereotypes would proclaim. Don't let her kindness fool you, because she will always tell it to you straight (if she doesn't like a food, she really doesn't like it) 
AKA Mango Mo
Keeping his smile on whilst the rest of us poke fun at him, Mo is the sweetest of the bunch. He is always ready to remind us of the reason we do this -- to eat deliciously! He is also the reason we have instilled the rule that "I cannot decide" is not a valid vote.

What is your food guilty pleasure?  In&Out, cheeseburger animal style with fries
Utensils – necessary or not?  What are those?
Are you a “eat fave food first” or “save fave food for last” person?  Stretch the “fav” till the end
What is your favorite sauce?  Depends on the food
Eat out to eat in ratio:  3:1
Favorite cuisine:  Thai

AKA 'The Ninja'
Design chops: pretty raw (like Bobby Flay's chipotle coleslaw). Potato enthusiast and Safeway pasta aisle expert. Nat's not really into finance but thinks she's an honorary team member.

The Real Deal

All opinions expressed on this blog are honest reviews by our individual participants.

Content © 2016 Finance Food Fight


Federico Fellini once said, "Life is a combination of magic and pasta."

We think he was pretty spot-on with that one.

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