The First Fight: In-n-Out vs. Five Guys

12:44 PM

It all began in a conference room when the topic of fries came up. Mo so bravely exclaimed "Well we all know that In-N-Out fries are the best" only to be greeted with silence. From there sparked a heated argument about not only fries, but hamburgers as well. This argument went on for the rest of the week, until we decided to finally put it to rest and test this thing out. The 6 of us booked a conference room for lunch, gathered the testing subjects, and chowed down.

We paired up into teams of two and ordered burgers as similar to one another as possible from the two restaurants. Before we even took our first bites, the room was split with Mo and Lil Viv boasting the greatness of In-N-Out while the rest proclaimed their love for Five Guys.

After a few minutes of chewing and pondering, we finally came to a conclusion. Five Guys won the battle 4-2, although not with the voters you would have expected. Both Mo and Lil Viv switched sides, choosing Five Guys as their burger of choice, while Mean Cameron (the one who shouted his adoration of Five Guys the loudest) and Em chose In-N-Out.

What we liked about In-N-Out: Some of us preferred the sauce, and we all believed that the patty was better from here
What we liked about Five Guys: Some of us preferred the mustard offered here, and preferred the meat-to-bun ratio. We also thought the lettuce and tomato were fresher here. (We didn't take into account that they offer bacon at Five Guys, because bacon always wins).

**We do concede, though, that had we gotten a double double from In-N-Out, the burgers would have been more comparable. We do intend on redoing this food fight.

As an aside, we also tried their fries (see what we did there?). But fries are something that you just can't compare -- we each have our own likes and dislikes regarding fries, and there's no way you can compare opinions. To each his own fry.

Bon Apetit,

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